Week 9

 The lessons on this unit have been way easier! It was a breath of fresh air honestly. I was definitely able to achieve some flow this last week. I managed to complete a whopping twenty lessons and I'm well on my way to reaching the past tense unit. When the lessons are this easy I feel like I'm actually making progress and so I can't wait to do another lesson. One of the factors of boredom we learned about was overstimulation. When there's too many new words in a lesson I would say that it's a case of overstimulation and I find myself bored with it. Especially when I try the lesson three times and fail each attempt. 

The song we were asked to listen to appears to be about an introverted fellow who is never bored at home. Weather he's just watching TV or literally just staring at a wall, he's content. It's when he's forced to be outside that he's feeling out of place. To quote the song, he feels that he's unaccustomed to the sun and his shoes aren't use to the pavement, so he'd rather go back to his room. In the phenomenon of boredom reading, people tended to be bored one of two places. At home, or at work. It appears that at home, the singer enjoys the unstructured free time where he can play solitaire and do nothing at all. Although work its self was not mentioned, another factor the lead to boredom was obligation. When someone else obligated the singer, he frankly would've rather been elsewhere.


  1. "¡Qué chévere!" was often used when I was down in Ecuador; I had to pick up some new slang pretty fast since I was with university students. It means “how cool!” I think it’s really cool that you are learning Spanish, and I can see that Duolingo has helped with your learning. I haven’t used Duolingo what seems like forever-ago, but have you used any other resources to learn Spanish? Have you found any units in Duolingo that you thought were harder than others? ¡Buena suerte con el tiempo pasado!

    1. Duolingo is definately my favorite. And thank you! I think Spanish is really cool too. Other resources I use are story based so I can see the language in context. I read Spanish webcomics online, and I also use story podcasts written with new learners in mind. Haha, I've tried watching movies with Spanish subtitles but I don't have that kind of time. What do you do to stay fresh on your spanish? Gracias por leer!


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