Week 10

I have been learning a lot with my Spanish occupation, but there are some hiccups here and there. For one thing, when stating preference in Spanish is a little confusing. In English you would say, I like to play the piano. But in Spanish you would say "A mi me gusta tocar el piano." Which is a little bit like saying, "to me I like to play the piano." That sentence isn't too bad, but then when you're talking about someone else, it gets more complicated. Anyway, I need to search up a video that goes over those rules instead of banging my head on the wall, trying to read the language tips. Other than that, Spanish has been really fun and I've managed to get five out of seven days practice in.

In the article by Deci and Ryan, they go over the distinction between autonomous and controlled motivation. As in all things, this occupation is on a spectrum between the two opposites. Even if my grades didn't depend on it, I would still have the autonomous motivation, and even independent motivation to do Spanish. The thing is though, I am much more consistent now that a grade is attatched, and there is accountability present in the entire process. The accountability has made it much easier to find the time each day to study my Spanish, and because I was already studying it, the new occupation slid seamlessly into my life.

Open photo


  1. Allen,
    I can relate to feeling like you want to bang your head against the wall while learning Spanish. Even though it's tempting, try to refrain. I like how you mentioned that you would still have motivation even if it didn't have to do with a grade. What makes you feel independent motivation to do Spanish? Que tengas suerte en tu viaje español.

  2. Haha, thanks for the advice. If you see me with a black eye in lab, you'll know I failed. Well, I really just crave that joy I got when I finally learned Tagalog and I could communicate with people in the Philippines. Unfortunately there's not a ton of opportunities to use Tagalog here in Idaho, but there's tons of Spanish speakers! I just want to make those special connections again. Gracias por leer, Amigo!


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