Week 12
This semester has been pretty wild, and I'm super happy with how consistent I have been with my spanish learning. Now that we're rounding the end of the class, I've needed to set new goals for my Spanish occupation. My first goal that I'd like to achieve is to continue my daily lessons next semester. But since all good goals have a time frame and an objective, I'll say that by June first next year, I want to read and understand The Hobbit by JRR Tolkein in Spanish. I think I've definitely benefited from this activity because by making weekly blog posts on my Spanish learning, I've had at least five people talk to me about my progress all of witch also happen to speak some Spanish. In one of our readings by Wilcock, he said that "doing + being, becoming, belonging = survival and health." I've certainly found that because of my occupation, I've found belonging with others who enjoy speaking Spanish, and my social health has benefited from i...