Week 4

This week was much better than last week. I got a total of eight lessons despite the huge anatomy exam that's been looming over my head. The technique I used for keeping Duolingo in the corner of my eye worked very well. Having a tab open of the occupation you need to work on makes it so much easier. It reduces the will power needed to open it every time you need to work on your new hobby. I expect that next week I will do even better on my lesson goals because I will be past the exam. In the Hasselkus reading, the concept of places being containers of experiences was explored. I think the best example of that happening to me in my life was the new apartment I moved into when I moved to Pocatello. At first it was just a concrete box for me to sleep in, but then I got married! After that, my new bride moved in and gradually she started to cover the walls with art. The shelves became overflowing with all of our books. The fridge was filled wi...